Intro to Interlibrary Loan pt. 1: What is Interlibrary Loan High Library - Elizabethtown College 3:25 2 years ago 586 Далее Скачать
Learn the basics of Interlibrary Loan (spring 2020) UMass Lowell Library 4:43 4 years ago 324 Далее Скачать
Interlibrary Loan Tutorial Florida Atlantic University Libraries 3:29 5 years ago 1 198 Далее Скачать
OCLC WorldCat FirstSearch Basics and Interlibrary Loan NDStateLibrary 16:14 2 years ago 575 Далее Скачать
ILL (Inter Library Loan) all about it, and how it can help you get those hard to find books. Paperbacks and Ponytails 11:46 3 years ago 79 Далее Скачать